Project TEACH Korea is a non-profit organization aimed to solve the inequality of children’s education in South Korea. The goal of this project was to design a website for them, who were seriously looking to improve their online presence.
User Research • Prototyping •Web Design
Established in 2011, Project Teach Korea is a non-profit organization purely ran by the Korean students around the world. The challenge of this organization was that they still did not have a website. The only way to learn about this organization was either through word-of-mouth or by joining its Facebook group.
With the new website, we wanted to achieve the following goals:
Before doing any design work, it was important to understand what type of users would be mostly using this website. My research focused on users who were around 18 - 25, who is either studying in college or is looking for non profit work, who have interests in non-profit organizations, who use Internet often, and who is familiar with Korean culture.
After interviewing 4 different users and collecting their answers, I've come up with 2 personas that would best represent the major users of the website.
I developed context scenario to fully understand how our persona would interact with the website.
When we were all satisfied with the directions, it was time to create the final design.
The website's primary color derived from its logo. Toned down green was selected to make sure the color doesn't get too overwhelming to users' eyes while also standing out for call outs. Other secondary colors were selected to complement the green but not overshadow it.
When building out a new site from scratch, it is better to provide clients with multiple options than just settling in with one. Looking at multiple designs with multiple eyes could help us pick out the optimal design that could even come from combining aspects from different designs.
Although, we could not continue further with this project after the homepage - due to limited time and resource - I enjoyed and learned a lot from this project. When I find time in near future, I hope to reach out to Project TEACH Korea team and complete this unfinished project for them.